We are working with community organizations and advocates to help provide a local resource list for various products and services. We work with reputable and experienced companies and small businesses to insure that you will have a 5-star experience. We have set up links so you can engage professionals and learn more about community resources available to you. Browse below and find out what best suits your needs!
If you are interested in promoting your business on our website please contact us at support@fatherhoodofdurham.org .Selected community non-profits are eligible for free hosting in our resource center.
Education & Employment
NCWorks NextGen
NCWorks NextGen is a program that provides 17-24 year old young adults with education, training and employment services to help them get on the right career.
Rooks Family Foundation
Providing tools and resources to inspire others to find greatness within themselves.
Durham Tech - Construction Trade Program
Students looking for a hands-on, high-demand profession should consider the Construction Trades program at Durham Tech.
Book Harvest / Book Babies
Book Harvest provides an abundance of books and ongoing literacy support to families and their children from birth and serves as a model for communities committed to ensuring that children are lifelong readers and learners.
Food & Hospitality
EAT NC is still hard at work to organize delivery of these meals to families who are in need. To learn more or to register (in English and Spanish), please visit https://www.eatnorthcarolina.org/dpsschoolmeals.com
The USDA extended the Summer Meal Program until December 31. This means that all children, 0-18, can receive meals at the summer meal sites and schools throughout the County without having to apply for the National School Lunch & School Breakfast program. Please read more here https://www.usda.gov/media/press-releases/2020/08/31/usda-extends-free-meals-kids-through-december-31-2020
UCAN works with low income communities and local schools in teaching healthy food preparation and preservation, addressing relevant issues, teaching life skills that encourage academic and career success and distributing fresh food to those in need.
Health & Wellness
Wytha Balance Yoga Studio
This yoga practice is geared toward empowering others to settle down, center down and become one with STILLNESS. Yoga allows you to develop greater self-awareness through the integration of mind, body, and spirit.
Equity Before Birth
We are tackling maternal and infant mortality by helping those who are disproportionately impacted - Black and birthers of color, who die 4 times more often! We are taking the unprecedented approach of sponsoring these families with paid parental leave and other essential services. We are doing this by fundraising and partnering with existing grassroots organizations who are intimately involved with the community we are serving.
Breast Feeding Communities
(How fathers can support during breast feeding).
Breastfeeding Family Friendly Communities of Durham is a health equity advocacy group. It is our hope that every family in Durham understands the benefits of breastfeeding, and then makes educated and informed decisions that are right for each family. We celebrate every amount of breastmilk whether received by breast/chest, given by bottle, or provided by another method (supplemental nursing system, syringe, spoon, gastrostomy tube, Haberman Feeder).
Thriving On The Spectrum
(How fathers can help with autism).
THRIVE is an application for Apple Watch designed to help children and adults with autism reach their fullest potential. THRIVE enables parents, teachers, therapists, caretakers, and others to support individuals with autism through visual scheduling, self-regulation, a communication portal, a rewards bank, and Apple’s location tracking.
THRIVE offers a comprehensive and multifaceted approach to leveraging technology to aid in the development of self-regulating behaviors and strategies for individuals with autism. THRIVE is a fully customizable app that provides structure, reinforces positive behaviors, promotes emotion regulation, and offers safety reassurances all within one app.
Substance Abuse & Prevention / Intervention
Together for Resilient Youth (TRY) is a non-profit 501 (c) (3) organization founded in 2003. TRY's Policies and Procedures comply with federal and state requirements. TRY prevents substance abuse among youth and overtime adults by reducing community risk factors through advocacy, education, mobilization and action.
Proud Program
Founded in 1996, P.R.O.U.D. has 24 years of effective service providing adjudicated and other disconnected youth with training and resources to achieve life-changing goals.